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odbc::ResultSet Member List
This is the complete list of members for odbc::ResultSet, including all inherited members.
- absolute(int row)
- afterLast()
- beforeFirst()
- cancelRowUpdates()
- clearWarnings()
- CONCUR_READ_ONLY enum value
- deleteRow()
- ErrorHandler(bool collectWarnings=true)
- findColumn(const std::string &colName)
- first()
- getAsciiStream(int idx)
- getAsciiStream(const std::string &colName)
- getBinaryStream(int idx)
- getBinaryStream(const std::string &colName)
- getBoolean(int idx)
- getBoolean(const std::string &colName)
- getByte(int idx)
- getByte(const std::string &colName)
- getBytes(int idx)
- getBytes(const std::string &colName)
- getConcurrency()
- getCursorName()
- getDate(int idx)
- getDate(const std::string &colName)
- getDouble(int idx)
- getDouble(const std::string &colName)
- getFetchSize()
- getFloat(int idx)
- getFloat(const std::string &colName)
- getInt(int idx)
- getInt(const std::string &colName)
- getLong(int idx)
- getLong(const std::string &colName)
- getMetaData()
- getRow()
- getShort(int idx)
- getShort(const std::string &colName)
- getStatement()
- getString(int idx)
- getString(const std::string &colName)
- getTime(int idx)
- getTime(const std::string &colName)
- getTimestamp(int idx)
- getTimestamp(const std::string &colName)
- getType()
- getWarnings()
- insertRow()
- isAfterLast()
- isBeforeFirst()
- isFirst()
- isLast()
- last()
- moveToCurrentRow()
- moveToInsertRow()
- next()
- previous()
- refreshRow()
- relative(int rows)
- rowDeleted()
- rowInserted()
- rowUpdated()
- setFetchSize(int fetchSize)
- TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY enum value
- updateAsciiStream(int idx, std::istream *s, int len)
- updateAsciiStream(const std::string &colName, std::istream *s, int len)
- updateBinaryStream(int idx, std::istream *s, int len)
- updateBinaryStream(const std::string &colName, std::istream *s, int len)
- updateBoolean(int idx, bool val)
- updateBoolean(const std::string &colName, bool val)
- updateByte(int idx, signed char val)
- updateByte(const std::string &colName, signed char val)
- updateBytes(int idx, const Bytes &val)
- updateBytes(const std::string &colName, const Bytes &val)
- updateDate(int idx, const Date &val)
- updateDate(const std::string &colName, const Date &val)
- updateDouble(int idx, double val)
- updateDouble(const std::string &colName, double val)
- updateFloat(int idx, float val)
- updateFloat(const std::string &colName, float val)
- updateInt(int idx, int val)
- updateInt(const std::string &colName, int val)
- updateLong(int idx, Long val)
- updateLong(const std::string &colName, Long val)
- updateNull(int idx)
- updateNull(const std::string &colName)
- updateRow()
- updateShort(int idx, short val)
- updateShort(const std::string &colName, short val)
- updateString(int idx, const std::string &val)
- updateString(const std::string &colName, const std::string &val)
- updateTime(int idx, const Time &val)
- updateTime(const std::string &colName, const Time &val)
- updateTimestamp(int idx, const Timestamp &val)
- updateTimestamp(const std::string &colName, const Timestamp &val)
- wasNull()
- ~ErrorHandler()
- ~ResultSet()